Standards & Practices ===================== First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make will benefit everyone else and are **greatly appreciated**. On Sonar ------------------- We use sonar to ensure a high level of code quality. Please ensure that new code passes the appropriate `quality gates `_. You may choose to familiarize yourself with `our rule set `_. It is also recommended to add `Sonar directly into your ide as a linter `_. Style Guide ------------------- Review 'smells' here: .. note:: See tabs in code that don't quite line up? Consider adding `Elastic Tabstops `_ to your IDE. Conventions ------------------- Please use `PAHN `_ as common sense allows. Policies ------------------- Please note that we have a `code of conduct `_. Please follow it in all your interactions with this project.