Workflow ======== Issues ------------------- You've found a bug in the source code, a mistake in the documentation, or maybe you'd like a new feature. You can help us by `submitting an issue on GitHub `_. But before you create a new issue, please make sure to search the issue archive first -- your issue may have already been addressed! Please try to create bug reports that are: - *Reproducible*. Include steps to reproduce the problem. - *Specific.* Include as much detail as possible: which version, what environment, etc. - *Unique.* Do not duplicate existing opened issues. - *Scoped to a Single Bug.* One bug per report. **Even better: Submit a pull request with a fix or new feature!** On DCOs and Sign-offs --------------------- This project uses `Developer Certificate of Origin `_. The reasons to do so are `various and sundry `_, and we ultimately believe they are a easy way to assure license integrity from the project and copyright compliance from developers. Compliance is simple and consists of making commit messages like so: .. code-block:: This is the commit message Signed-off-by: First M. Last Branches ------------------- resync ^^^^^^ Tests ------------------- Our test suite is built with `Codeception `_ and run by `Appveyor `_. .. note:: If you are a `Brex Client `_, there is no sandbox. You are running tests against your own account. Contact Brex's support if you want them to setup a new sandbox account for you. Environment variables are use to configure your brex token and production vs staging endpoints. You must set `BREX_TOKEN` and `BREX_ENDPOINT` in your environment before running tests. .. code-block:: set BREX_TOKEN= set BREX_ENDPOINT= phing testcov .. note:: To produce code coverage reports, you should also install Xdebug and ensure coverage reporting is `enabled `_. Tests that modify account data are skipped by default. If you wish to run these separately: .. code-block:: codecept -c .config\codeception.yml run Unit -g writers .. warning:: Tests marked as *writers* could run amok over your account. Please request a sandbox account from Brex before running these tests. *You have been warned.* We encourage you to contribute by adding even more unit tests. Pull Requests ------------------- 1. Search our repository for open or closed `Pull Requests `_ that relate to your submission, *first*. You don't want to duplicate efforts. 2. Fork the project 3. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b feat/amazing_feature`) 4. Commit your changes (`git commit -m 'feat: add amazing_feature'`) This project uses `conventional commits `_, so please follow the specification in your commit messages. 5. Push to the branch (`git push origin feat/amazing_feature`) 6. `Open a Pull Request `_ Release Builds ------------------- Builds are automatically built via CI with `Appveyor `_ Reproducible builds ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you update a composer package to add a feature or fix a bug, or otherwise run `composer update`; please, be sure to commit the `composer.lock` file as well as `composer.josn`. This ensures that all vendor packages can be tested and released at the same time.