Using the API ============= To use this API, some requirements must be followed in your application. Brex Requirements ------------------- #. You will need to be a Brex client #. You will need to have an API key #. You will need to select the minimum required scope for your application #. Brex has a very helpful checklist for you to complete along your journey to assist in keeping track of what’s needed. Additionally, there are some limits your application will need to abide by: +--------------------------------------------+ | Up to 1000 requests in 60 seconds. | +--------------------------------------------+ | Up to 1000 transfers in 24 hours. | +--------------------------------------------+ | Up to 100 international wires in 24 hours. | +--------------------------------------------+ | Up to 5000 cards created in 24 hours. | +--------------------------------------------+ .. What that looks like in the sdk .. .. Getting Data ------------------- .. code-block:: php setAuthKey('BREX TOKEN') ->setupTeamClient(); /** @var BrexSdk\API\Team\Model\CompanyResponse */ $aCompanyDetails=$oTeamClient->getCompany(); $sCompanyName=$aCompanyDetails->getLegalName(); // ACME Corp, Inc. Putting Data ------------------- .. code-block:: php setAuthKey('BREX TOKEN') ->setupTeamClient(); $oNewUser=new BrexSdk\API\Team\Model\CreateUserRequest; $oNewUser->setFirstName('Test'); $oNewUser->setLastName('User'); $oNewUser->setEmail('TUser@acme.example'); //@throws on failure $oCreatedUser=$oTeamClient->createUser($oNewUser); .. Webhooks .. ------------------- Plugins ------------------- Adding Logging .. code-block:: php setAuthKey($bxtoken); $logger=new Monolog\Logger('brex-request'); $logger->pushHandler( new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('api-trace.log', Monolog\Level::Debug) ); $oSdkHost->addHttpPlugin( new HttpPlugin\LoggerPlugin($logger, new \Http\Message\Formatter\FullHttpMessageFormatter) ); Using Staging .. .. note:: ``Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface`` .. code-block:: php setAuthKey($bxtoken); $oSdkHost->addHttpPlugin( new HttpPlugin\AddHostPlugin(new Uri(''), ['replace' => true]) );