Using the API

To use this API, some requirements must be followed in your application.

Brex Requirements

  1. You will need to be a Brex client

  2. You will need to have an API key

  3. You will need to select the minimum required scope for your application

  4. Brex has a very helpful checklist for you to complete along your journey to assist in keeping track of what’s needed.

Additionally, there are some limits your application will need to abide by:

Up to 1000 requests in 60 seconds.

Up to 1000 transfers in 24 hours.

Up to 100 international wires in 24 hours.

Up to 5000 cards created in 24 hours.

Getting Data

use NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex as BrexSdk;

$oSdkHost=new BrexSdk\SDKHost;

//Let's get company details to start.
/** @var BrexSdk\API\Team\Client $oTeamClient; */
$oTeamClient=$oSdkHost->setAuthKey('BREX TOKEN')

/** @var BrexSdk\API\Team\Model\CompanyResponse */

// ACME Corp, Inc.

Putting Data

use NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex as BrexSdk;

$oSdkHost=new BrexSdk\SDKHost;

//Let's get company details to start
/** @var BrexSdk\API\Team\Client $oTeamClient; */
$oTeamClient=$oSdkHost->setAuthKey('BREX TOKEN')

$oNewUser=new BrexSdk\API\Team\Model\CreateUserRequest;

//@throws on failure


Adding Logging

use NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex as BrexSdk;
use Http\Client\Common\Plugin as HttpPlugin;
use Monolog;

$oSdkHost=new BrexSdk\SDKHost;

$logger=new Monolog\Logger('brex-request');
        new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('api-trace.log', Monolog\Level::Debug)

        new HttpPlugin\LoggerPlugin($logger,
        new \Http\Message\Formatter\FullHttpMessageFormatter)

Using Staging

use NxSys\Library\Clients\Brex as BrexSdk;
use Http\Client\Common\Plugin as HttpPlugin;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Uri;

$oSdkHost=new BrexSdk\SDKHost;

        new HttpPlugin\AddHostPlugin(new Uri(''),
        ['replace' => true])